Thursday, June 25, 2009

Explaning the Theory

I suppose I should explain the Theory of the KosmikSlingshot: You are living THE life you are supposed to live, in the career you just know in your gut you are meant to have, in the relationship with the person you are meant to be with, living in the location you are sure is Home with a capital H, and you are absolutely convinced, with all of your Being, that your Life is exactly as it should be. Then, something, or someone, or some occurrence, picks your ass up, and flings you to the opposite side of the Universe, either physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc. You land hard, on your ass, and as you pick yourself up, you realize that this is where you are supposed to be living, in the career you are supposed to have, in or not in a different relationship, and that this is the life you are meant to live. If you are aware and listen to muse, there are more than one or two Kosmikslingshots in your life. And so to commemorate this, I have created a Kosmikslingshot Martini, as follows: 1/4 jigger of dry vermouth, 3/4 jigger of Gin and 1 jigger of Vodka. Shaken not stirred, and served with 3 olives, or, a slice of lemon depending on my mood. So, right now, at the end of my first few days in Tel Aviv, before I leave for Jerusalem early tomorrow morning, I am going to take myself out to the lovely cafes and bars along the Tel Aviv Port, and instruct the bartender how to make a KosmikSlingshot Martini.

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