There are seven things I learned immediately---and if you know anything about the Jewish religion, the number seven is incredibly important (
So, here are my Tel Aviv Seven:
First, hanging out in Tel Aviv is like being at someone else's party where you're the new guest and everyone welcomes you and you instantly feel at home. Second, the weather is SO hot and humid everyone from taxi cabs to the lobby of my Best Western Hotel keep the air conditioning WAY up. As in freezing. So you get completely sweat-drenched outside and icicles form on your sinuses when you go inside (more about the results of that later) Third, everyone has a dog, and takes it everywhere--I love this. If I were to move here, Leica would probably have more friends than I would. Fourth, the food is a taste orgasm! Super fresh, simply prepared but way beyond gourmet. Fifth, pretty much everyone smokes like a chimney. I have resisted the urge, but it's tempting to have something to do with my hands (Paging Miss Israel)...I think that's probably what gives me away as a foreigner: I don't gesture or reach out and touch as much. Sixth, everyone asks you if this is your first time in Israel. Everyone. From shopkeepers to the waiter to the coffee vendor. And when you answer yes, they are thrilled you are here, and want to make sure you love it, if there is anything you need, and how long you are going to stay. And if you are going to come back. No one just visits once. Seventh, Tel Aviv is incredibly sexy. It is one giant eye candy bazaar, with the most gorgeous men and women I have ever seen in one place. Just when you think you have lost your heart, another one comes along.
6 years ago
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